You are probably aware that to legally let your property you need to have up to date certificates for an array of things. This can sound more daunting than it actually is. Next Step is here to help you get everything you need. Each certificate costs a relatively small amount to have issued.

Certificate Name Description
Gas Safe Certificate (CP12) Landlords are legally required to ensure that a valid CP12 is obtained every 12 months. A gas check can only be conducted by a qualified gas engineer. The engineer will carry out various checks during the inspection and ensure all gas equipment such as the boiler, cooker and fireplace is safe to use.
Electrical Installation Condition Report This check is to ensure that all installed electrics are in satisfactory condition for continued use. The report is required every five years but we advise to also conduct one between lets in case the previous tenant has caused damage to the installation.
Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) Although not required by law it is a good idea to obtain a PAT every 12 months to ensure that any portable appliances provided by you are in good working order and not a fire hazard.
Boiler Service Regular boiler servicing is a good idea to keep your boiler in good operating order. During a service an engineer will carry out various inspections and tests and give the boiler a clean.
Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) This shows a potential tenant your property’s energy usage and typical energy costs. It recommends how to reduce usage and save money. It gives a rating from most efficient (A) to least efficient (G) and is valid for 10 years.

If you would like any further help or advice on landlord’s certificates, or anything else for that matter, please get in touch. We’d love to hear from you.